Contact Notifications

Contacts may choose to receive a selection of notifications for any account they have access to. Notification settings can be altered by selecting the contact you would like to update in the Contacts section from the navigation bar in the portal and scrolling to the Notifications section.

The following categories of notifications exist:

  • Main Contact: The primary contact for general inquiries on the account.
  • Technical Notifications: This contact will receive email notification of upcoming Change events and Incidents at the data center(s) for which they are a contact.
  • Billing Notifications: The designated point of contact for invoice or billing communications.
  • Package Notifications: This contact will receive email notification when packages or shipments arrive, for your company, at the data center(s) for which they are a contact.
  • Security Notifications: This contact will be notified in the event of a security incident in their environment.
  • Other Communications: This contact receives any Cyxtera communications except those defined in other Responsibilities.
  • Metal Key Administrator: Indicates this contact has their own copy of the master cage key.