View Data Center Badge Events

Through the Cyxtera portal, you can generate your own reports showing who has accessed your spaces and when.

The Access Events tab in the Cyxtera portal gives you timely updates on which spaces permanent badge holders have accessed, and when. The widget is updated every 15 minutes, and you can use it to generate PDF reports for security audits. You can analyze access by data center, space, or contact.

Where access details are marked as confidential, this is because the individual is from another Cyxtera customer's account. You will see this if another Cyxtera customer tries to access your space in error. Please ask your Account Team if you need any clarification.

Find information on granting access to your contacts here.

Report on access events by date or across data centers

To see consolidated access data across data centers and contacts, follow these steps:

  1. Select Contacts on the navbar.
  1. Select the Badge Events tab.

Badge Events across all data centers will be displayed.

  • Events are sorted with the most recent at the top. Select another column to sort by that column instead.
  • To search for a particular badge ID or reader name, enter it in the search box.
  • To filter by date or data center, select Show Filter. Check the boxes for the data centers you want to see and/or enter a start and end date.
  • To save the results as a PDF or CSV file, select the Export button above the badge events table on the right.

See the access events for a contact

To see access events for a particular person, follow these steps:

  1. Select Contacts on the navbar.
  1. Search for the contact by name, email address, or company.
  2. Select their name in the table to view their contact page. Scroll to find the Badge Events section.

Badge records are shown at the bottom of the contact page.

  • Events are sorted with the most recent at the top. Select another column to sort by that column instead.
  • You can search your contact’s badge events by reader or data center, and can use the filter to narrow the search by date.
  • To save the results, select the Export button above the badge events table on the right.

Report on access events by space

To see access events for a particular data center, cage, or rack, follow these steps:

  1. Select Infrastructure on the navbar and choose one of your data centers, cages, or racks.
  1. Select the Access tab at the top.

Badge records for the Space are shown on the page.

  • Events are sorted with the most recent at the top. Select another column to sort by that column instead.
  • To search for a particular badge ID or reader name, enter it in the search box.
  • To filter by date, select Show Filter and enter a start and end date.
  • To save the results, select the Export button above the badge events table on the right.