Disconnect Interconnection

Remove a Cross Connect or Riser Connect interconnection.

Through the app, you can ask us to disconnect your Cross Connect or Riser Connect interconnections.

Follow these steps:

  1. Sign in at portal.cyxtera.com.
  2. On the navbar on the left, click Spaces and select the appropriate cage or rack.
  3. Click the Interconnection tab.
  4. In the Ecosystem Connect Panel, find the interconnection you’d like to remove. Cross Connects are color-coded blue and shown with a two-arrow icon in the bottom-left corner. Riser Connects are red colored and have an up-arrow icon.
  1. To initiate the disconnect process, you can find interconnections by port or by the list of interconnections shown below the port listing. From the port, select the context menu (…), and then the disconnect item, or select the port or interconnection to go to the Interconnection's page. On the interconnection screen, you can view additional detail and select "Disconnect Interconnection" in the actions area.
  1. On the disconnect page, you can confirm the interconnection information. If you have selected a Cross Connect product, you can also search for additional Cross Connects to disconnect at a single time.


Disconnect Multiple Cross Connects

To add another Cross Connect from the same pod to your disconnection order, use the search bar to see a menu of Cross Connects on that pod. (You can’t add Cross Connects from a different pod). Type into the search bar to narrow your search. Select a Cross Connect name to select it and use the Add button beside the search bar to add it to your order.

  1. Finalize your order by adding any additional details and the request date. The request date is when you would like the disconnection to take effect.
  2. Select Checkout on the right and complete the disconnect order.